Source code for spacetrack.aio

import asyncio
import time

import httpx
import sniffio

from .base import (

[docs] class AsyncSpaceTrackClient(SpaceTrackClient): """Asynchronous SpaceTrack client class. It must be closed by calling :meth:`~spacetrack.aio.AsyncSpaceTrackClient.close`. Alternatively, instances of this class can be used as an async context manager. Refer to the :class:`~spacetrack.base.SpaceTrackClient` documentation for more information. Note that if passed, the ``httpx_client`` parameter must be an ``httpx.AsyncClient``. """ def __init__( self, identity, password, base_url=BASE_URL, rush_store=None, rush_key_prefix="", httpx_client=None, additional_rate_limit=None, ): if httpx_client is None: httpx_client = httpx.AsyncClient() elif not isinstance(httpx_client, httpx.AsyncClient): raise TypeError("httpx_client must be an httpx.AsyncClient instance") super().__init__( identity=identity, password=password, base_url=base_url, rush_store=rush_store, rush_key_prefix=rush_key_prefix, httpx_client=httpx_client, additional_rate_limit=additional_rate_limit, ) async def _handle_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, NormalRequest): return await self.client.send( event.request, follow_redirects=event.follow_redirects,, ) elif isinstance(event, ReadResponse): return await event.response.aread() elif isinstance(event, IterLines): return _iter_lines_generator(event.response) elif isinstance(event, IterContent): return _iter_content_generator(event.response, event.decode) elif isinstance(event, RateLimitWait): await self._ratelimit_wait(event.duration) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown event type: {type(event)}") async def _run_event_generator(self, g): # Start generator by sending in None ret = None while True: try: event = g.send(ret) except StopIteration as exc: if isinstance(exc.value, Event): return await self._handle_event(exc.value) return exc.value ret = await self._handle_event(event)
[docs] async def authenticate(self): """Authenticate with Space-Track. Raises: spacetrack.base.AuthenticationError: Incorrect login details. .. note:: This method is called automatically when required. """ await self._run_event_generator(self._auth_generator())
[docs] async def generic_request( self, class_, iter_lines=False, iter_content=False, controller=None, parse_types=False, **kwargs, ): r"""Generic Space-Track query. The request class methods use this method internally; the public API is as follows: .. code-block:: python st.tle_publish(*args, **kw) st.basicspacedata.tle_publish(*args, **kw) st.file(*args, **kw) st.fileshare.file(*args, **kw) st.spephemeris.file(*args, **kw) They resolve to the following calls respectively: .. code-block:: python st.generic_request('tle_publish', *args, **kw) st.generic_request('tle_publish', *args, controller='basicspacedata', **kw) st.generic_request('file', *args, **kw) st.generic_request('file', *args, controller='fileshare', **kw) st.generic_request('file', *args, controller='spephemeris', **kw) Parameters: class\_: Space-Track request class name iter_lines: Yield result line by line iter_content: Yield result in 100 KiB chunks. controller: Optionally specify request controller to use. parse_types: Parse string values in response according to type given in predicate information, e.g. ``'2017-01-01'`` -> ``, 1, 1)``. **kwargs: These keywords must match the predicate fields on Space-Track. You may check valid keywords with the following snippet: .. code-block:: python spacetrack = SpaceTrackClient(...) spacetrack.tle.get_predicates() # or spacetrack.get_predicates('tle') See :func:`~spacetrack.operators._stringify_predicate_value` for which Python objects are converted appropriately. Yields: Lines—stripped of newline characters—if ``iter_lines=True`` Yields: 100 KiB chunks if ``iter_content=True`` Returns: Parsed JSON object, unless ``format`` keyword argument is passed. .. warning:: Passing ``format='json'`` will return the JSON **unparsed**. Do not set ``format`` if you want the parsed JSON object returned! """ return await self._run_event_generator( self._generic_request_generator( class_=class_, iter_lines=iter_lines, iter_content=iter_content, controller=controller, parse_types=parse_types, **kwargs, ) )
async def _ratelimit_callback(self, until): duration = int(round(until - time.monotonic()))"Rate limit reached. Sleeping for {:d} seconds.", duration) if self.callback is not None: await self.callback(until) async def _ratelimit_wait(self, duration): async_library = sniffio.current_async_library() if async_library == "asyncio": await self._ratelimit_wait_asyncio(duration) elif async_library == "trio": await self._ratelimit_wait_trio(duration) async def _ratelimit_wait_asyncio(self, duration): until = time.monotonic() + duration asyncio.ensure_future(self._ratelimit_callback(until)) await asyncio.sleep(duration) async def _ratelimit_wait_trio(self, duration): import trio until = time.monotonic() + duration async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(self._ratelimit_callback, until) nursery.start_soon(trio.sleep, duration)
[docs] async def get_predicates(self, class_, controller=None): """Get full predicate information for given request class, and cache for subsequent calls. """ return await self._run_event_generator( self._get_predicates_generator(class_, controller) )
def __enter__(self): raise TypeError("Use async with instead") def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close()
[docs] async def close(self): """Close aiohttp session.""" await self.client.aclose()
async def _iter_lines_generator(response): async for line in response.aiter_lines(): yield line.rstrip("\n") async def _iter_content_generator(response, decode_unicode): """Generator used to yield 100 KiB chunks for a given response.""" if decode_unicode: it = response.aiter_text() else: it = response.aiter_bytes() async for chunk in it: if decode_unicode: # Replace CRLF newlines with LF, Python will handle # platform specific newlines if written to file. chunk = chunk.replace("\r\n", "\n") # Chunk could be ['...\r', '\n...'], strip trailing \r chunk = chunk.rstrip("\r") yield chunk