Source code for spacetrack.base

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import datetime as dt
import re
import threading
import time
import warnings
import weakref
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial

import requests
from logbook import Logger
from ratelimiter import RateLimiter
from represent import ReprHelper, ReprHelperMixin

from .operators import _stringify_predicate_value

    from import Mapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import Mapping

logger = Logger('spacetrack')

type_re = re.compile(r'(\w+)')
enum_re = re.compile(r"""
        '(\w+)'      # First value
        (?:,         # Subsequent values optional
            '(\w+)'  # Capture string
""", re.VERBOSE)


[docs]class AuthenticationError(Exception): """Space-Track authentication error."""
[docs]class UnknownPredicateTypeWarning(RuntimeWarning): """Used to warn when a predicate type is unknown."""
[docs]class Predicate(ReprHelperMixin, object): """Hold Space-Track predicate information. The current goal of this class is to print the repr for the user. """ def __init__(self, name, type_, nullable=False, default=None, values=None): = name self.type_ = type_ self.nullable = nullable self.default = default # Values can be set e.g. for enum predicates self.values = values def _repr_helper_(self, r): r.keyword_from_attr('name') r.keyword_from_attr('type_') r.keyword_from_attr('nullable') r.keyword_from_attr('default') if self.values is not None: r.keyword_from_attr('values') def parse(self, value): if value is None: return value if self.type_ == 'float': return float(value) elif self.type_ == 'int': return int(value) elif self.type_ == 'datetime': return dt.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif self.type_ == 'date': return dt.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d').date() else: return value
[docs]class SpaceTrackClient(object): """SpaceTrack client class. Parameters: identity: Space-Track username. password: Space-Track password. base_url: May be overridden to use e.g. For more information, refer to the `Space-Track documentation`_. .. _`Space-Track documentation`: #api-requestClasses .. data:: request_controllers Ordered dictionary of request controllers and their request classes in the following order. - `basicspacedata` - `expandedspacedata` - `fileshare` - `spephemeris` For example, if the ``spacetrack.file`` method is used without specifying which controller, the client will choose the `fileshare` controller (which comes before `spephemeris`). .. note:: If new request classes and/or controllers are added to the Space-Track API but not yet to this library, you can safely subclass :class:`SpaceTrackClient` with a copy of this ordered dictionary to add them. That said, please open an issue on `GitHub`_ for me to add them to the library. .. _`GitHub`: """ # "request class" methods will be looked up by request controller in this # order request_controllers = OrderedDict.fromkeys([ 'basicspacedata', 'expandedspacedata', 'fileshare', 'spephemeris', ]) request_controllers['basicspacedata'] = { 'tle', 'tle_latest', 'tle_publish', 'omm', 'boxscore', 'satcat', 'launch_site', 'satcat_change', 'satcat_debut', 'decay', 'tip', 'announcement', 'gp', } request_controllers['expandedspacedata'] = { 'cdm', 'organization', 'maneuver', 'maneuver_history', } request_controllers['fileshare'] = { 'file', 'download', 'upload', 'delete', } request_controllers['spephemeris'] = { 'download', 'file', 'file_history', } # List of (class, controller) tuples for # requests which do not return a modeldef offline_predicates = { ('upload', 'fileshare'): {'folder_id', 'file'}, ('download', 'spephemeris'): set(), } # These predicates are available for every request class. rest_predicates = { Predicate('predicates', 'str'), Predicate('metadata', 'enum', values=('true', 'false')), Predicate('limit', 'str'), Predicate('orderby', 'str'), Predicate('distinct', 'enum', values=('true', 'false')), Predicate( 'format', 'enum', values=('json', 'xml', 'html', 'csv', 'tle', '3le', 'kvn', 'stream')), Predicate('emptyresult', 'enum', values=('show',)), Predicate('favorites', 'str'), } def __init__(self, identity, password, base_url=BASE_URL): #: :class:`requests.Session` instance. It can be mutated to configure #: e.g. proxies. self.session = self._create_session() self.identity = identity self.password = password if not base_url.endswith('/'): base_url += '/' self.base_url = base_url # If set, this will be called when we sleep for the rate limit. self.callback = None self._authenticated = False self._predicates = dict() self._controller_proxies = dict() # "Space-track throttles API use in order to maintain consistent # performance for all users. To avoid error messages, please limit # your query frequency to less than 20 requests per minute." self._ratelimiter = RateLimiter( max_calls=19, period=60, callback=self._ratelimit_callback) def _ratelimit_callback(self, until): duration = int(round(until - time.time()))'Rate limit reached. Sleeping for {:d} seconds.', duration) if self.callback is not None: self.callback(until) @staticmethod def _create_session(): """Create session for accessing the web. This method is overridden in :class:`spacetrac.aio.AsyncSpaceTrackClient` to use :mod:`aiohttp` instead of :mod:`requests`. """ return requests.Session()
[docs] def authenticate(self): """Authenticate with Space-Track. Raises: spacetrack.base.AuthenticationError: Incorrect login details. .. note:: This method is called automatically when required. """ if not self._authenticated: login_url = self.base_url + 'ajaxauth/login' data = {'identity': self.identity, 'password': self.password} resp =, data=data) _raise_for_status(resp) # If login failed, we get a JSON response with {'Login': 'Failed'} resp_data = resp.json() if isinstance(resp_data, Mapping): if resp_data.get('Login', None) == 'Failed': raise AuthenticationError() self._authenticated = True
[docs] def generic_request(self, class_, iter_lines=False, iter_content=False, controller=None, parse_types=False, **kwargs): r"""Generic Space-Track query. The request class methods use this method internally; the public API is as follows: .. code-block:: python st.tle_publish(*args, **kw) st.basicspacedata.tle_publish(*args, **kw) st.file(*args, **kw) st.fileshare.file(*args, **kw) st.spephemeris.file(*args, **kw) They resolve to the following calls respectively: .. code-block:: python st.generic_request('tle_publish', *args, **kw) st.generic_request('tle_publish', *args, controller='basicspacedata', **kw) st.generic_request('file', *args, **kw) st.generic_request('file', *args, controller='fileshare', **kw) st.generic_request('file', *args, controller='spephemeris', **kw) Parameters: class\_: Space-Track request class name iter_lines: Yield result line by line iter_content: Yield result in 100 KiB chunks. controller: Optionally specify request controller to use. parse_types: Parse string values in response according to type given in predicate information, e.g. ``'2017-01-01'`` -> ``, 1, 1)``. **kwargs: These keywords must match the predicate fields on Space-Track. You may check valid keywords with the following snippet: .. code-block:: python spacetrack = SpaceTrackClient(...) spacetrack.tle.get_predicates() # or spacetrack.get_predicates('tle') See :func:`~spacetrack.operators._stringify_predicate_value` for which Python objects are converted appropriately. Yields: Lines—stripped of newline characters—if ``iter_lines=True`` Yields: 100 KiB chunks if ``iter_content=True`` Returns: Parsed JSON object, unless ``format`` keyword argument is passed. .. warning:: Passing ``format='json'`` will return the JSON **unparsed**. Do not set ``format`` if you want the parsed JSON object returned! """ if iter_lines and iter_content: raise ValueError('iter_lines and iter_content cannot both be True') if 'format' in kwargs and parse_types: raise ValueError('parse_types can only be used if format is unset.') if controller is None: controller = self._find_controller(class_) else: classes = self.request_controllers.get(controller, None) if classes is None: raise ValueError( 'Unknown request controller {!r}'.format(controller)) if class_ not in classes: raise ValueError( 'Unknown request class {!r} for controller {!r}' .format(class_, controller)) # Decode unicode unless class == download, including conversion of # CRLF newlines to LF. decode = (class_ != 'download') if not decode and iter_lines: error = ( 'iter_lines disabled for binary data, since CRLF newlines ' 'split over chunk boundaries would yield extra blank lines. ' 'Use iter_content=True instead.') raise ValueError(error) self.authenticate() url = ('{0}{1}/query/class/{2}' .format(self.base_url, controller, class_)) offline_check = (class_, controller) in self.offline_predicates valid_fields = { for p in self.rest_predicates} predicates = None if not offline_check: # Validate keyword argument names by querying valid predicates from # Space-Track predicates = self.get_predicates(class_, controller) predicate_fields = { for p in predicates} valid_fields |= predicate_fields else: valid_fields |= self.offline_predicates[(class_, controller)] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in valid_fields: raise TypeError( "'{class_}' got an unexpected argument '{key}'" .format(class_=class_, key=key)) if class_ == 'upload' and key == 'file': continue value = _stringify_predicate_value(value) url += '/{key}/{value}'.format(key=key, value=value) logger.debug(requests.utils.requote_uri(url)) if class_ == 'upload': if 'file' not in kwargs: raise TypeError("missing keyword argument: 'file'") resp =, files={'file': kwargs['file']}) else: resp = self._ratelimited_get(url, stream=iter_lines or iter_content) _raise_for_status(resp) if resp.encoding is None: resp.encoding = 'UTF-8' if iter_lines: return _iter_lines_generator(resp, decode_unicode=decode) elif iter_content: return _iter_content_generator(resp, decode_unicode=decode) else: # If format is specified, return that format unparsed. Otherwise, # parse the default JSON response. if 'format' in kwargs: if decode: data = resp.text # Replace CRLF newlines with LF, Python will handle platform # specific newlines if written to file. data = data.replace('\r\n', '\n') else: data = resp.content return data else: data = resp.json() if predicates is None or not parse_types: return data else: return self._parse_types(data, predicates)
@staticmethod def _parse_types(data, predicates): predicate_map = { p for p in predicates} for obj in data: for key, value in obj.items(): if key.lower() in predicate_map: obj[key] = predicate_map[key.lower()].parse(value) return data def _ratelimited_get(self, *args, **kwargs): """Perform get request, handling rate limiting.""" with self._ratelimiter: resp = self.session.get(*args, **kwargs) # It's possible that Space-Track will return HTTP status 500 with a # query rate limit violation. This can happen if a script is cancelled # before it has finished sleeping to satisfy the rate limit and it is # started again. # # Let's catch this specific instance and retry once if it happens. if resp.status_code == 500: # Let's only retry if the error page tells us it's a rate limit # violation. if 'violated your query rate limit' in resp.text: # Mimic the RateLimiter callback behaviour. until = time.time() + self._ratelimiter.period t = threading.Thread(target=self._ratelimit_callback, args=(until,)) t.daemon = True t.start() time.sleep(self._ratelimiter.period) # Now retry with self._ratelimiter: resp = self.session.get(*args, **kwargs) return resp def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.request_controllers: controller_proxy = self._controller_proxies.get(attr) if controller_proxy is None: controller_proxy = _ControllerProxy(self, attr) self._controller_proxies[attr] = controller_proxy return controller_proxy try: controller = self._find_controller(attr) except ValueError: raise AttributeError( "'{name}' object has no attribute '{attr}'" .format(name=self.__class__.__name__, attr=attr)) # generic_request can resolve the controller itself, but we # pass it because we have to check if the class_ is owned # by a controller here anyway. function = partial( self.generic_request, class_=attr, controller=controller) function.get_predicates = partial( self.get_predicates, class_=attr, controller=controller) return function def __dir__(self): """Include request controllers and request classes.""" attrs = list(self.__dict__) request_classes = { class_ for classes in self.request_controllers.values() for class_ in classes} attrs += list(request_classes) attrs += list(self.request_controllers) return sorted(attrs) def _find_controller(self, class_): """Find first controller that matches given request class. Order is specified by the keys of ``SpaceTrackClient.request_controllers`` (:class:`~collections.OrderedDict`) """ for controller, classes in self.request_controllers.items(): if class_ in classes: return controller else: raise ValueError('Unknown request class {!r}'.format(class_)) def _download_predicate_data(self, class_, controller): """Get raw predicate information for given request class, and cache for subsequent calls. """ self.authenticate() url = ('{0}{1}/modeldef/class/{2}' .format(self.base_url, controller, class_)) logger.debug(requests.utils.requote_uri(url)) resp = self._ratelimited_get(url) _raise_for_status(resp) return resp.json()['data']
[docs] def get_predicates(self, class_, controller=None): """Get full predicate information for given request class, and cache for subsequent calls. """ if class_ not in self._predicates: if controller is None: controller = self._find_controller(class_) else: classes = self.request_controllers.get(controller, None) if classes is None: raise ValueError( 'Unknown request controller {!r}'.format(controller)) if class_ not in classes: raise ValueError( 'Unknown request class {!r}'.format(class_)) predicates_data = self._download_predicate_data(class_, controller) predicate_objects = self._parse_predicates_data(predicates_data) self._predicates[class_] = predicate_objects return self._predicates[class_]
def _parse_predicates_data(self, predicates_data): predicate_objects = [] for field in predicates_data: full_type = field['Type'] type_match = type_re.match(full_type) if not type_match: raise ValueError( "Couldn't parse field type '{}'".format(full_type)) type_name = field_name = field['Field'].lower() nullable = (field['Null'] == 'YES') default = field['Default'] types = { # Strings 'char': 'str', 'varchar': 'str', 'longtext': 'str', 'text': 'str', # varbinary only used for 'file' request class, for the # 'file_link' predicate. 'varbinary': 'str', # Integers 'bigint': 'int', 'int': 'int', 'tinyint': 'int', 'smallint': 'int', 'mediumint': 'int', # Floats 'decimal': 'float', 'float': 'float', 'double': 'float', # Date/Times 'date': 'date', 'timestamp': 'datetime', 'datetime': 'datetime', # Enum 'enum': 'enum', # Bytes 'longblob': 'bytes', } if type_name not in types: warnings.warn( 'Unknown predicate type {!r}'.format(type_name), UnknownPredicateTypeWarning, ) predicate = Predicate( name=field_name, type_=types.get(type_name, type_name), nullable=nullable, default=default) if type_name == 'enum': enum_match = enum_re.match(full_type) if not enum_match: raise ValueError( "Couldn't parse enum type '{}'".format(full_type)) # match.groups() doesn't work for repeating groups, use findall predicate.values = tuple(re.findall(r"'(\w+)'", full_type)) predicate_objects.append(predicate) return predicate_objects def __repr__(self): r = ReprHelper(self) r.parantheses = ('<', '>') r.keyword_from_attr('identity') return str(r)
class _ControllerProxy(object): """Proxies request class methods with a preset request controller.""" def __init__(self, client, controller): # The client will cache _ControllerProxy instances, so only store # a weak reference to it. self.client = weakref.proxy(client) self.controller = controller def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr not in self.client.request_controllers[self.controller]: raise AttributeError( "'{self!r}' object has no attribute '{attr}'" .format(self=self, attr=attr)) function = partial( self.client.generic_request, class_=attr, controller=self.controller) function.get_predicates = partial( self.client.get_predicates, class_=attr, controller=self.controller) return function def __repr__(self): r = ReprHelper(self) r.parantheses = ('<', '>') r.keyword_from_attr('controller') return str(r) def get_predicates(self, class_): """Proxy ``get_predicates`` to client with stored request controller. """ return self.client.get_predicates( class_=class_, controller=self.controller) def _iter_content_generator(response, decode_unicode): """Generator used to yield 100 KiB chunks for a given response.""" for chunk in response.iter_content(100 * 1024, decode_unicode=decode_unicode): if decode_unicode: # Replace CRLF newlines with LF, Python will handle # platform specific newlines if written to file. chunk = chunk.replace('\r\n', '\n') # Chunk could be ['...\r', '\n...'], stril trailing \r chunk = chunk.rstrip('\r') yield chunk def _iter_lines_generator(response, decode_unicode): """Iterates over the response data, one line at a time. When stream=True is set on the request, this avoids reading the content at once into memory for large responses. The function is taken from :meth:`requests.models.Response.iter_lines`, but modified to use our :func:`~spacetrack.base._iter_content_generator`. This is because Space-Track uses CRLF newlines, so :meth:`str.splitlines` can cause us to yield blank lines if one chunk ends with CR and the next one starts with LF. .. note:: This method is not reentrant safe. """ pending = None for chunk in _iter_content_generator(response, decode_unicode=decode_unicode): if pending is not None: chunk = pending + chunk lines = chunk.splitlines() if lines and lines[-1] and chunk and lines[-1][-1] == chunk[-1]: pending = lines.pop() else: pending = None for line in lines: yield line if pending is not None: yield pending def _raise_for_status(response): """Raises stored :class:`HTTPError`, if one occurred. This is the :meth:`requests.models.Response.raise_for_status` method, modified to add the response from Space-Track, if given. """ http_error_msg = '' if 400 <= response.status_code < 500: http_error_msg = '%s Client Error: %s for url: %s' % ( response.status_code, response.reason, response.url) elif 500 <= response.status_code < 600: http_error_msg = '%s Server Error: %s for url: %s' % ( response.status_code, response.reason, response.url) if http_error_msg: spacetrack_error_msg = None try: json = response.json() if isinstance(json, Mapping): spacetrack_error_msg = json['error'] except (ValueError, KeyError): pass if not spacetrack_error_msg: spacetrack_error_msg = response.text if spacetrack_error_msg: http_error_msg += '\nSpace-Track response:\n' + spacetrack_error_msg raise requests.HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=response)